No limits where Dr. Heather Ross is concerned

Dr. Heather Ross, heart failure and cardiac transplant specialist, Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, UHN, freely admits: “My ultimate goal is to put myself out of business as a cardiologist.”

Test Your Limits, the initiative Dr. Ross launched in 2006 to raise awareness and funds for heart disease research and organ donation, is coming up again. Next month, her team embarks on a  seventh adventure in 11 years when they will tackle the Himalayas on their bikes. Team members include a heart transplant recipient and a kidney transplant patient.

What keeps Dr. Ross going? You can hear in her own words why she keeps pushing her personal limits in order to raise awareness about heart disease.

Dr. Ross’ personal and professional mission was captured in a cardiovascular health insert, which recently appeared in the National Post.

Find out more about Test Your Limits and keep pace with Dr. Ross.

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