FIRST robot-assisted brain surgery on a live patient in the world was performed by TeamUHN

FIRST hospital in North America to use the Hugo robot to treat a patient

When you already have world-leading surgeons, how do you take surgical procedures to the next level?

By pairing them with the world’s most advanced surgical robots.

The generosity of our donors means UHN is leading the way in robot-assisted surgery. Using surgical robots, we’re able to extend the capabilities of our surgical teams’ eyes and hands.

In the operating room, surgeons use a console to precisely control the robot’s instruments. The robot translates the surgeon’s hand movements in real time, allowing the surgeon to manipulate tiny components with greater accuracy and range of motion.

The results speak for themselves. Robot-assisted surgery means smaller incisions, less blood loss, faster recovery and less need for pain medication. Patients can get back to their families, jobs, and normal lives sooner than ever.

FIRST robot-assisted brain surgery on a live patient in the world was performed by TeamUHN

FIRST hospital in North America to use the Hugo robot to treat a patient

Leading the way in surgical firsts

UHN has achieved a number of world-firsts when it comes to maximizing our surgical teams’ skills through the use of robots. For example, in order to minimize the invasiveness of lung biopsies, Dr. Kazuhiro Yasufuku invented a system that was used to perform Canada’s first robot-assisted bronchoscopy.

Making the impossible possible

With technology advancing at a breathtaking pace, the possibilities are endless. Surgical robots and other technological marvels are opening the doors for as-of-yet-unheard-of research initiatives and innovative procedures.

Your support means TeamUHN can use state-of-the-art technology to reduce wait times, train next-generation surgical teams and help patients recover faster and get home to their loved ones quicker. Thank you!

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