Honour Your Hero

Honour Your Hero

Since 2008, the Honour Your Hero program has provided patients and their families with an opportunity to express gratitude to UHN staff for their care, compassion and kindness, while also making an impactful gift.

In 2021, Toronto Rehab’s Celebrate Your Rehab Champion program joined with Honour Your Hero, ensuring all honourees are recognized across the organization for their exemplary patient care.

UHN Foundation is pleased to be able to recognize TeamUHN in this way to ensure our champions, supporters, heroes and life-savers know the immense impact they have on those they are privileged to serve.

How does it work?

  • A patient, their friends and loved ones can honour an individual TeamUHN member or care team by making a donation through Honour Your Hero.
  • The Foundation shares a certificate with all heroes, including a special message of thanks from the donor and their contact information, with consent.
  • Heroes will receive a pin at certain recognition milestone (see chart).
  • Quarterly reports highlighting all heroes throughout UHN will be published on the UHN intranet, shared through UHN What’s Happening Now, the community message board and by email with senior leadership and management.
  • If you have been honoured and would like your name removed from quarterly reports, please contact the foundation directly at [email protected].
  • Gifts are directed to highest-priority needs unless specified by the donor. The Foundation cannot disclose individual gift amounts without donor consent.
Honour Your Hero

Your recognition

You will receive a certificate each time you are honoured, along with a special pin and recognition opportunities at the following milestones:

When [patients] honour us through the Honour Your Hero program, they touch our hearts and really make us feel valued. When patients give back, they encourage us to keep going, but I also feel a sense of responsibility to make sure their donations make an impact.

Meeran Manji, Registered Nurse and patient co-ordinator, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinic, Toronto Western Hospital

Honouree Quarterly Reports

For more information, contact UHN Foundation:

13-6728 or 416-603-6278 | [email protected]
Toronto General Hospital
R. Fraser Elliott Building, 5th floor, 5S-801

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