Know your heroes: Sherri Broome

Name: Sherri Broome
Title: Patient Care Coordinator (retired), Toronto General Hospital Emergency Department
Number of years working in health care: 37
I was born and raised in: Toronto/ Belleville

I decided to get into health care because I loved working with people. I worked in a long-term care home during high school and loved caring for patients.

My role here at UHN is making sure we have enough staff to care for our patients. After that, I look after the day-to-day activities in the Emergency Department, supporting our team and our leadership group. I also interface with almost every department in the hospital to ensure we can provide outstanding care to our patients.

COVID-19 has affected me by first showing me that I am very strong and resilient but, in the end, I am only human and COVID affected me deeply.

The thing I love the most about my job is coming to work every day, working with my team members. Also, seeing the newer nurses grow and thrive.

The most incredible thing I’ve seen at work is the birth of a baby in the Eaton Lobby at Toronto General Hospital and the great team work that was needed.

One of my personal heroes is Debra Davies (Nurse Manager, Toronto General Hospital Emergency Department) because she saw the leadership skills in me and gave me the opportunity to have the position that I have today.

I sometimes worry about if I can continue at my present pace.

I’ve found joy recently from fitness and Orange Theory (fitness gym in Toronto).

My favorite movie is any Hallmark movie on the weekend, because you can be taken away to that little perfect small town.

My ideal day off is spending time with my fur babies, Zoey and Penny, and my family.

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